Punjab Works Department (B & R)

List of Demoted/Debarred
& Blacklisted Contractors

SNoCircleDivisionName & AddressOrder NoOrder DateClassCategoryTime PeriodRemarks
1Quality Control MohaliQuality ControlBaldev Sahai Garg Contractor10/18/2017-S1(3)/990156/130/05/2017Class-ICivil (Road/Building/Bridge Works) The agency has been permanently blacklisted
2Construction Circle, ChandigarhCHandigarhM/s AK Builders8073-7615/12/2022Class-ICivil (Road/Building/Bridge Works) Demoted, the agency is presently not enlisted with PWD (B&R). Incase agency applies for enlistment, it will be eligible in lower category for first six months
3Construction Circle, PathankotPathankotM/s Balaji Builders3923-3317/09/2020Class-ICivil (Road/Building/Bridge Works)1 Year upto 16.09.2021In Compliance of Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court oder dated 15.02.2021 passed in CWP No. 17773 of 2020, the debarment is stayed till further orders
4Construction Circle, AmritsarAmritsarM/s L.T. Builders290207/06/2021Class-ICivil (Road/Building/Bridge Works)Upto 6.6.2024The agency has been permanently blacklisted for a period of three years i.e. upto 6.6.2024
5Construction Circle, ChandigarhChandigarhM/s Mann Builders Pvt. Ltd.3147-314923/06/2023Class-ICivil (Road/Building/Bridge Works)For 2 years from 20.9.22 to 18.1.23 and 23.6.23 to 21.2.25 (orders uploaded in Deptt updates)Worthy Secretary PWD vide Orders dt. 22.6.2023 debarred the agency for a period of 2 years. Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High Court vide decision dt. 30.11.23 in CWP 23985 of 2023 has stayed the orders dt. 22.6.23 of Worthy Secretary PWD
Latest Uploaded on 30 August